Coaching as a way to grow
Inspiration, attentive listening, questioning and empathy – all of these skills can be really useful if you’re considering coaching. It differs from classic consulting and training – it doesn’t give advice and strict recommendations, but finds solutions together with the person who needs this coaching.
We, at PROBEGIN, take care about each other and like to organize knowledge sharing sessions. Recently we had the opportunity to listen to the presentation about coaching, this handy and at the same time inspiring concept.

Coaching unlocks a person’s potential to maximize their own performance.
It helps them learn rather than teach them. People start making better decisions,
solving problems that hold them back and consequently progress in their career.
Depending on the purpose, there are different types of coaching.
To begin with, performance coaching in which activities are aimed at enhancing
an individual’s performance in their current role at work, increasing their
effectiveness and productivity. In general, it derives its theoretical models
from business psychology as well as general psychological theory.
Skills coaching focuses on the core skills an employee needs to perform his or
her role. Providing a flexible, adaptive approach, coaching programmes are tailored
specifically to the individual and are generally focused on achieving a number
of skill development objectives that are linked to the needs of the particular
Career coaching activities focus on the individual’s career concerns, with the
coach eliciting and using feedback on the individual’s capabilities as part of
a discussion of career options. The process should lead to increased clarity,
personal change and further action.
Life coaching provides support to individuals who want to make some significant
changes in their lives. Therefore coaches help individuals explore how they might
achieve their aspirations and fulfil their needs. Generally, life coaching takes
the individual’s agenda as its starting point.
And the last one, business coaching which is always conducted within the
constraints placed on an individual or a group by the organizational context.
We can differentiate two types here, the first – one to one performance coaching
– if the performance of the people within the organisation is improved then business
results become better as well. And the second one – team facilitation which is
extremely vital during budget and strategy planning.
Finally, working with the GROW coaching model, which is actually an acronym for Goal,
Reality, Options and Will, means you don’t need to be an expert in your client’s
specific situation to be able to coach him. The GROW coaching model offers a framework
with general questions to elicit goals, obstacles and options. As a result, the coach
provides a dynamic vehicle for his or her client’s development. So after this
presentation that we had we can talk about coaching as highly effective developmental
instrument, having gained new skills how to use coaching GROW model in daily practice
in order to increase personal effectiveness in our teams.