How to Make an Effective Meeting
Structure, order and basic rules are the main features of any effective meeting. Following these simple principles creates a good background for our success.

How many times have you asked yourself what makes any meeting effective? Obviously, it’s something more than just sending a notice. The notice which says someone is to meet at a particular place and time. An effective meeting is a meeting which has a clear objective, takes up a reasonable amount of time and the participants have a feeling of completion afterwards.
So let’s have a closer look at the bullet points which we, at PROBEGIN, keep in mind when making our meetings.
Clear Objective of an Effective Meeting
An effective meeting begins with an effective goal. When it comes to setting this goal, the thing that can help us do it is to understand what outcome we want to get at the end of that meeting. Thus, we need to think about the structure to pursue. To get a tangible result, we use the SMART criteria. The objective should be:
-specific – what exactly we want to achieve and with whom
-measurable – what exactly we will see, hear and feel in the end
-attainable – what efforts, time and other costs we will take against the profits
-relevant – does it seem worthwhile and applicable in the current environment
-time based – make a tentative plan and set a deadline
All of these points help us define if the objective is clear enough. In turn, it makes meeting preparation really effective.
Watch the Time
Meetings are expensive, so make sure to use time wisely. To have the best result, we need to gather people who bring diverse perspectives and knowledge. Maximizing our meeting’s effectiveness means making the most of our time and the time of others.
There is one more useful tip. If we want to brainstorm ideas, we schedule the meeting in the morning. Though, to solve problems is better in the afternoon. Scientists say that we become less focussed and as a result we can see more opportunities.
Follow up on Commitments after an Effective Meeting
Firm persistence is one of the key skills used for effective meetings. If we want anything to take place, one thing must happen. We need to follow up. It doesn’t matter how effective the meeting is. Nothing will happen if there is a lack of following up. Quite often people think that everyone is a self-starter. Although it’s not always true. Usually we become overwhelmed with many tasks in today’s fast-paced world. Consequently, a person doesn’t always do what he or she is committed to. That’s why a consistent follow-up needs to take place.