Importance of corporate culture
As every person has individual characteristics by which you can recognize him or her, every company, PROBEGIN is one of them, has its culture, which is its character and personality.

Somebody might consider it as something that isn’t worth paying attention to, but it’s
worth indeed. Corporate culture is as significant as business strategy because it can
both strengthen and undermine your business, no matter what efforts you make or what
objectives you try to achieve.
When you try to look for a definition of corporate culture, you’ll find the one like
“it’s a blend of the values, beliefs, taboos, symbols, rituals and myths all companies
develop over time”. All of these things make your company unique with its own values,
traditions and attitudes. We are different at PROBEGIN, but all of us bring our best part
to the company, our warmness, charisma, positive attitude. Consequently, management’s
task is to create a healthy company culture which can increase employees’ productivity
and dedication.
It’s so great when even just memories of your colleagues make you smile. When you look
through the photos that have been taken together and you can say – you’ve made my day!
When despite your own mood, which sometimes might be not so good, you come to the office,
you see these faces, you talk to these people and it makes your happy and ready to work
together, supporting and inspiring each other. When you know if you have any difficulties
in your projects, tasks or any other questions, there are people who can help you,
building such atmosphere that you feel yourself like a part of a big family.
In order to build this healthy environment, management style cannot be authoritarian,
because then it will have a detrimental effect. It needs to strive to build such conditions
which get everybody to do their job, instead of keeping control over everything. People
should see themselves as part of a team and get contentment from the fact that they help the
company succeed. When there is a good sense of common purpose, the outcome is likely to be
improved, both for an individual and for a company. On the contrary, if there is no such
thing as healthy culture, workers tend to focus on their own needs and feel separate from
the company.
Another important feature of corporate culture is entrepreneurs’ equal treating of all
employees, skipping such hidden danger as nepotism. All communication and cooperation should
be based on respect. Otherwise, the morale will be weakened. In addition to that, if there
are troubles with the company culture, some warning signs such as big turnover,
“us-versus-them” between employees and management and a lack of honest and trustful
communication may appear.
Since every company is different, there are many ways to develop a culture that works.
Employees tend to enjoy work when their needs and values are consistent with those in the
workplace. The root is in organization’s goals, strategies, approaches and structure. Being
such a crucial component, it can become either your ultimate success or your business failure,
the choice is yours.